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Chapter Meetings

Periodic chapter meetings are held to plan each Breakfast. These meetings are open to anyone who feels called to be a part of the Magnificat ministry. All are welcome! No need to call ahead; just show up! Click here for directions.










Join a wonderful group of faithful women!


After almost two years in a formation process that included approval by then Bishop Donald Wuerl, Magnificat Pittsburgh became a chapter on October 7, 2003, feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. We celebrated our first Magnificat meal, the primary expression of the ministry, on May 22, 2004. 


The women of the Chapter make the Prayer Breakfasts happen as we support each other to grow in holiness. Our aim is to reach out to all the Catholic women of the Pittsburgh Diocese in the spirit of Mary and Elizabeth at the Visitation. 


We meet on periodic Saturday mornings at St. Sebastian Parish, Ross Township, in the North HillsDues are of a spiritual nature only. All women are invited to be part of the Chapter and come together with us to pray and plan our Prayer Breakfasts, which are held four times a year.


We meet from 10:00 a.m. to 12 Noon in Haber Hall twice before each breakfast. The first meeting consists first and foremost praying together, singing songs of praise and worship, and a business portion of the meeting. The second meeting is totally dedicated to a time of prayer for the intentions of the breakfast. 


Chapter ministry teams include intercessory prayer, decorations, publicity, music, registration, hospitality (which includes hostesses, greeters, and ushers), mailings, and more. Computer skills are welcome. We ask that you pray for discernment about how God might like to use your talents. Come and experience a meeting and see if God is calling you to be part of Magnificat Pittsburgh.

Many Blessings in Jesus and Mary!

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